Mission of Relentless Treasures

Our mission is first and foremost to praise and honor God in all that we do. It is with this foundation, combined with a heart for those in need, that we are committed to giving back and reaching out. 

The goal of each of our pieces is to fill your home with inspirational, purposefully driven home décor items that have been lovingly crafted with the finest of care. In our culture, we recognize that a lot of time is spent in our homes therefore it naturally becomes an extension of our ministry on earth. Our pieces are designed to bridge the gap for that ministry and help open doors to your community.

Because our company started on the desire to help others, and with a deep sense of compassion for children, we are proud to donate 50% of all proceeds made through Relentless Treasures to Carry Them Ministries along with in support of those that chose life. We strongly believe that every life deserves a voice, and every child deserves a chance. 

When you shop with Relentless Treasures you aren’t just shopping for a blanket or a banner, you are shopping for a purpose and to bring hope.